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We have been the leading manufacturer of funeral equipment in the region for 60 years.

How long does it take to produce one product?
Our products are made of 2 types of wood: poplar and oak. Both have their own special processing procedure and go through an average of 30 different phases. Simple products are made on average within 2h to 3h, while exclusive products require up to 20h of machine and manual processing. If the customer has special requirements, in this case the standard production period is extended.
For which religious communities are the products produced?
Our factory operates in a multinational environment and as such is ready to respond to all the demands of different religious communities and customs. In this regard, we produce products for Christian Catholic and Orthodox churches, for Protestant and Muslim communities.
What are the conditions of the delivery of goods on the domestic market?
Our company bears the shipping costs for the domestic market. Transport costs are FREE for the customer if the goods are delivered to the address in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Are extra models produced according to special requirements?
Our factory can accept orders for extra models according to special measures and in the required colour. In this case, it is necessary to call the commercial department and send a request. Based on these data, an offer and conditions for a special request will be made. Only after the approval by the buyer do we start producing products.
How many product models are there?
In the standard product range, there are 58 models of coffins, 13 models of tombstones, i.e. 65 models for equipping the chapel. We strive to meet all the requirements addressed to us and to create new models based on market trends.
Are the products also exported abroad?
We have been exporting our products for years, even to the most distant countries in Europe. If we sign a partnership agreement for a foreign market, then this means the organization of transport for the ordered goods. Our products need to be specially packaged and protected from possible damage during transport, so we are very careful about the organization of delivery to the end user.